
If the single-phase voltage is 220 volts, then the three-phase voltage should be 3 220 = 60 volts || KnldgEver

If the single-phase voltage is 220 volts, then the three-phase voltage should be 3 220 = 60 volts. What is the technical secret behind it?

If the single-phase voltage is 220 volts, then the three-phase voltage should be 3 220 = 60 volts

Here it is not a functional addition but a vector application. Suppose you walk 6 kilometers north of the house, then 6 kilometers west. Then walk 14 kilometers, but the distance will be only 10 kilometers because the calculation will not be based on general algebraic rules. We need to take the help of the vector method. So we multiply the phase voltage by 7 to find the three-phase connection align voltage. Therefore, the result of three-phase voltage is not algebraically 80 but 220 x 183371-40 volts as a vector result.

Prove it to you today. Looking at the star connection below, it can be seen that the phase voltages are Van, Van, respectively.

Vent is here. Is the common terminal or neutral point of three phases. And the line voltage is Vab, ybc, Vocal then Vab = 3 x

The proving phase will suffice.

The figure shows that the angle between each phase line is 20 degrees. Then the Van line generates a 0-degree angle with itself.

UR Van = Vp <0

The vbn line has generated -120 degrees along the Van line. So vbn = Vp <-120

Similarly, Vcn = Vp <-240 or Vp <+120

Now, our goal is to get Vab out.

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As shown in Figure 2, I have added a rhombus by extending vbn. Now the ear of the rhombus basically points to the Vab.

According to the vector triangle law, Vab = Van + Vinb = Van Vbn = Vp <0- Vpc-120 = Vp + 0.5Vp + j 32 Vp [from Peller format

Converts to Cartesian format = vp (I + 0.5 + j v3 / 2) = 3vp <30

That is, The line voltage is 3 times the phase voltage And the line voltage is 30 degrees leading with phase voltage.

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